Monday, May 21, 2012

24 days til Africa!

Hello all and welcome to my South Africa blog!

Only 24 days until I depart. For the past months this trip has seemed so far away, like I would never actually get to it, but now it is just around the corner! The days will go faster than expected, and then I'll be on my way! Lately I've been having dreams that I am boarding the plane or already on the plane and realize that I have forgotten EVERYTHING: my phone, laptop, suitcase, absolutely everything, which of course leads to a severe panic. But lets hope I remember all the important stuff and it all gets to Africa as it should!

I am so so excited to update this with all the things I do and see while abroad, and I hope everyone will enjoy reading about it! Most of my pictures will be posted to Facebook, but I plan to post some here too :) Beware, there will be hundreds of pictures to look through, I'm sure!