Sunday, June 17, 2012

In Stellenbosch!!

Hello everyone!

Wow. I have only been here for one full day and this place is absolutely incredible :) It is so beautiful, there are mountains everywhere, and the people are so awesome. I have already made some wonderful friends, and I can't wait to spend the next few weeks with them!

I don't have much time for writing this post, because breakfast will be starting soon and then we have orientation today, but I have been writing in a journal as well so I will be sure to translate the stories I have already written down into this blog in a day or two! We are having our laptops registered tomorrow for internet use, so I'm sure sometime on Monday another post will be up.

Well it's food and tea time (the tea here is awesome, by the way)!! I will post again as soon as I can :)


  1. Taylor, I was so happy to see this post. I have wanted to talk to you and find out all the up to the minute news since you got there. I am incredibly happy to hear you sound so exuberant! I am very proud of you for making this adventure happen for yourself. Although it is scary for us that you are so far away, I would not have it any other way. Enjoy every second and know that we love you to the moon and back (as that is how far away you feel!). Love, Mama and Dad
