Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So little time left

Wow. This is insane. I pretty much have 8 days left until I leave... Time is going by so so fast, I can't believe I depart next Thursday already! I am getting more and more excited as each day passes, and a little more stressed because I have so much to do before I go! I have done very minimal packing, which I need to get my butt moving on. Mom and I went shopping this evening and got a bunch of stuff (some things necessary for the trip and some not...) which was a lot of fun. I just got a new prescription for my contacts, so I'm hoping those will come in time! I've gotten all my vaccines that were needed, the soreness from the Typhoid shot lasted for three days... So even though I have gotten quite a few things done, I've only slightly begun to work on the biggest obstacle of packing.

I can't even begin to describe how excited I am, and how nervous I am as well! This is going to be such a wonderful experience, I can't wait to get it started :)


  1. Have a great time Taylor; Jan and I are very proud of you. It will be a most wonderful trip of your life!!! Keep your stick on the ice.

  2. You're gunna have so much fun sweet pea! :D
