Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Less than 24 hours

In less than 24 hours I will be on my way to Africa.... I cannot believe how fast the time as gone by, it feels like I just got home from school and I am already about to leave. My nerves are starting to kick in, not because I'll be flying internationally, but because of the fact that very soon I will be on the opposite side of the world, away from everyone and everything I know. This is going to be such an exciting experience and I know it is going to go by in a flash for me, but I can't help but be a little nervous... I know it's a little irrational, but my biggest fear right now is that Stellenbosch didn't get my flight itinerary and won't be there to pick me up... Silly, I know.

These plane rides are going to be soooooo ridiculous. My flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam is going to be close to 8.5 hours, then a 4 hour layover, then another flight to Cape Town which will be around 11.5 hours. Then a half hour drive to the school, making my total travel time from home to Stellenbosch about 23 hours. RIDICULOUS.

I'm not sure if having limited availability to contact those at home is a good or bad thing. It would be nice to be able to talk on the phone every night with my parents or skype, but I guess having limited contact will help me get the most out of my experiences. I think this trip will give me time to learn much more about myself and help me grow into a better person.

But anyway, with international calls being $1.69 a minute and having a limited amount of internet I can use while there, phone calls will be few and short, and my internet use will probably amount to checking email, posting pictures to facebook and updating this blog.

That's all I have for now, see you all tomorrow at the airport!

1 comment:

  1. Taylor,

    I know you've already left and are probably flying somewhere over Africa at the moment, but remember that this study abroad experience will not only change how you see the world - it will also change who you are as a person. I have full confidence that you will do incredibly well with your time abroad, as it can and will compliment you and your fantastic personality. Don't worry about internet/calling people. There will be too much for you to do/experience for you to be sitting inside all day. Remember to take pictures and cherish the moments, as it will be done before you know it. You'll be back here soon enough (this includes Murray), wanting to return to the adventure you're just beginning. Do things you wouldn't normally do stateside. Don't be afraid to try new foods or walk around a market. You'll learn so much more outside of the classroom than you ever will IN the classroom.

    It's your experience - I can't wait to read ALL about it, girly!

    Warm wishes from EC.

    See you in a few short months!

    ~ M
