Friday, June 29, 2012

Econ is over!

Thank god this economics class is over. The stuff we talked about in class was pretty interesting, but I just am not into economics at all. The presentations today went pretty well, and I don't think my paper was too horrible. But we'll see what happens. I'm excited to start the HIV/AIDS course on Tuesday. My friends that took it this past week said it was a really good class, so I'm looking forward to it.

Weekend plans include: Cape Town and Table Mountain tomorrow, leaving bright and early at 8:45am. Hopefully it won't be cloudy so I can get some good pictures from the top of the mountain! Sunday is probably going to be a relaxation day, definitely going to sleep in, maybe work on my paper a little. And then on Monday we are going community service work. Not sure exactly what it is yet, but I'm really excited for it.

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