Sunday, July 1, 2012

Officially at the half way point

So, unfortunately we were not able to go to Table Mountain yesterday due to the weather. So me and two others wanted to go today, but it was too cloudy when we got to Cape Town so we wouldn't have been able to see anything once we got to the top... BUT! I am determined to go at some point before I leave. Otherwise I'll just have to come back!

Even though Table mountain was a no-go today, we had a very interesting experience getting to Cape Town. We took the taxi, and when I say taxi I do not mean the kind of taxi cabs we have at home. I mean a small van that 16-20 people squeeze into, constant and sudden starting and stopping, people getting off and getting on frequently, cramped spaces, and very crazy driving... We ended up being on 4 different taxis on our way into the city.

Tomorrow we are doing community service, which consists of cleaning and gardening in one of the communities close to Stellenbosch. Then on Tuesday I start my HIV/AIDS class. I am really excited for it and anxious to share the knowledge I acquire :)

It is very strange to think that half of my trip is gone already. I know that 18 days is a long time - which is all that I have left - but I know that it is going to go by so fast. Time is flying by. I only have one more class before the Garden Route! And my birthday is next Tuesday already! That hasn't even really crossed my mind that much. There is so much fun stuff coming up, which is only going to make time go even faster. I am very much enjoying my time here, but I think that I will be ready to come home when the time comes.

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