Thursday, July 12, 2012

Better days have been had....

Well, I certainly have had better birthdays than this one... I have been pretty sick for the past 2 days with some pretty bad flu-like symptoms. The only thing I've been able to keep down are bananas, and I know that I am super dehydrated. So this morning I went to the student health clinic and the doctor gave me some nausea medication and some re-hydrating powder to mix with water. It definitely doesn't taste the best, let me tell you.... I am just hoping that tomorrow will be better for me, because tomorrow is the start of the Garden Route tour and there would be nothing worse than being sick on that!

My internet access is going to be turned off in a few hours, so I will not be able to write anymore posts until I get home, unless the places we are staying along the way have internet. Sorry! Will have to wait for pictures until next week.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading while I've been here in South Africa. It means a lot to me :)

1 comment:

  1. It has been awful for me and dad knowing how sick you are/were....and not being able to be there for you. I hope you found some comfort in our voices and knowing how much you were on our minds! I spent several sleepless nights (as you know since I was texting you at 2 and 3am!). I hope the next chapter of your journey will be wonderful and you feel perfect throughout! Can't wait to see you on Thursday next week!
    I have heard many comments from others about how fun it has been to read you blog and follow your adventure. Fun for me and dad too! Love you so much!
