Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Building a new perspective

First day of my HIV/AIDS class and I am loving it! The lecturer is much more lively than the one last week and we're covering much more interesting material. I think the test next Tuesday is going to be pretty easy. We got through a lot of material today, and we are very much ahead of schedule, so we don't have to be in class until 11am tomorrow! Woop! It'll be nice to sleep in a little bit.

I think that this class is going to challenge a lot of my preexisting ideas about HIV, even more than it already has today. We went over a lot of statistics and biomedical facts today about what the disease actually is and who is affected by it. I am really excited to continue learning about it. On Thursday we are going to two NGO's, one that works with sex workers, and another that works with men who have sex with other men. It is going to be very interesting to see both of their perspectives and hear about what their organizations are working towards.

Yesterday's community engagement didn't really involve any other people but the summer school students. We went to a primary school in Lynedoch via train. half of us worked in the garden, weeding and digging up vegetables, while the rest of us were inside the school, cleaning windows with newspaper and water, and then sweeping and mopping. It was nice to be able to do something for a poor school and community.

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